Cost of cash reduced, clarity and productivity increased.

  • Client: Merbag S.A.
  • Product: CashBox™, Cash Service Center™, Professional & Software Service™, Server Outsourcing™
  • Kontakt: Pascal Urbin


Merbag SA ist die Holding-Gruppe der Marke „Mercedes-Benz“ und ist weltweit für ihr Engagement und die hervorragenden Leistungen bekannt – ganz nach ihrem Motto „Das Beste oder nichts“. Nach und nach verzeichneten die Installationen von MB Luxembourg einen allmählichen Rückgang des Bareinsatzes und einen entsprechenden Anstieg der Zahl der Debit- und Kreditkartentransaktionen.


Die Zeit und die Kosten für die Verarbeitung von Bargeld wurden erfolgreich reduziert. Das Bargeld wurde gestrafft, und die Abwicklung von Umlaufbewegungen, der Umtausch und die Abwicklung des Tagesabschlusses wurden vollständig automatisiert.


Reduced cost of cash
The time, and cost of processing cash has been successfully reduced. Cash on hand has been streamlined, and float issuing, exchanges and end-of-day handling processes have been completely automated.

Additional Benefits:

Enhanced staff experience

The new system is incredibly easy to use, and there is even visibility of the status of cash inventory in real time. Include the fact that end-of-day handling has been removed as a task, all of this adds to overall staff satisfaction levels, as does the fact that employees can now clock in and out without a manager being present.

Automated invoices & error prevention

There’s also an invoice settlement reconciliation system that interacts with the customers Accounting SAP module, tracking all daily payment transactions, and a built in module that guards against administrative and book keeping errors.

Secured cash management

Exposure to cash has been eliminated, and shrinkage prevention introduced. The system also has the ability to detect counterfeit & fraud, so the potential for loss there, has been completely eliminated too. Finally, there is a remote, four eye principle safe lock management system, so the security of cash is assured.

Increased business intelligence and productivity

The additional, unexpected benefits above greatly increased the business intelligence available to MB Luxembourg, and the overall result was an increase in productivity, which was well received by all.

Cost of cash reduced, clarity and productivity increased.

  • Client: Merbag S.A.
  • Product: CashBox™, Cash Service Center™, Professional & Software Service™, Server Outsourcing™
  • Kontakt: Pascal Urbin


Merbag S.A. is the holding group for the Mercedes Benz brand and is renowned worldwide for its dedication to excellence. ‘The best or nothing’ even adorns their website, which is why we were pleased when they approached us with a problem.


After a thorough investigation, it was discovered they could automate their cash handling process with the introduction of CashBOX and cash handling hardware at the Point of Sale, and Cash Service Center in the back office as a processing tool for all cash, and non-cash payment methods.


Reduced cost of cash
The time, and cost of processing cash has been successfully reduced. Cash on hand has been streamlined, and float issuing, exchanges and end-of-day handling processes have been completely automated.

Additional Benefits:

Enhanced staff experience

The new system is incredibly easy to use, and there is even visibility of the status of cash inventory in real time. Include the fact that end-of-day handling has been removed as a task, all of this adds to overall staff satisfaction levels, as does the fact that employees can now clock in and out without a manager being present.

Automated invoices & error prevention

There’s also an invoice settlement reconciliation system that interacts with the customers Accounting SAP module, tracking all daily payment transactions, and a built in module that guards against administrative and book keeping errors.

Secured cash management

Exposure to cash has been eliminated, and shrinkage prevention introduced. The system also has the ability to detect counterfeit & fraud, so the potential for loss there, has been completely eliminated too. Finally, there is a remote, four eye principle safe lock management system, so the security of cash is assured.

Increased business intelligence and productivity

The additional, unexpected benefits above greatly increased the business intelligence available to MB Luxembourg, and the overall result was an increase in productivity, which was well received by all.