Clarity in a Complex World

> Our solutions in a nutshell

Direct Services provides clarity on the complex processes within a business. Delivering increased efficiency, productivity and security, and providing insights to empower decisions.

Cash is expensive, but it remains. Up to one percent of the turnover of a market is spent on cash processing and administration. Amongst other things, Cash In Motion™ reduces that cost. It’s the most adaptable, intelligent cash management solution in the market and can be tailored specifically for any type of business, from POS to BackOffice - even as an Enterprise Solution.

Cash in Motion Products:

Our Business Clarity™ services allow you to see exactly what’s going on inside your business, whatever your business. We provide project management tools that enable transparency, expediency and accountability, and our experience in the banking and finance sectors have enabled us to develop a robust, and secure data management system that will help you save time, reduce risk and track sales.

Business Clarity Products:

Our professional services division can develop a solution specifically for your business, whether that’s a completely new product, or an integration of a number of disparate systems, we can help. We can also simply provide data hosting, server housing or security as required.

Software in Motion Products:

Our cases – What we have accomplished



Direct Services has worked for some amazing clients over the past 20 years.

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If we weren’t using the Cash Service Centre™ product right now, who knows how long it would take to reconcile at the end of the day. The value that Direct Services have introduced into our business over the years is extremely hard to put a figure to, but it’s easily in the tens of millions.   Ohne den Einsatz der CashServiceCenter™ Software als zentrale Lösung für das Bargeldmanagement im Park, benötigten wir deutlich mehr Personal für die tägliche Kassenabrechnung. Wir könnten dies in gleichen Zeit gar nicht mehr bewältigen. Es ist schwierig die Einsparungen mit Zahlen zu benennen. In der 6-jährigen Zusammenarbeit sind dies jedoch sicherlich mehrere Millionen €.  

Bernd Gerstmann, Legoland Freizeitpark Deutschland
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