Cash Box connects all the cash handling processes, reducing the cost of cash, and providing visibility on a range of store metrics.

Developed specifically for use in a store environment, Cash Box also delivers the following benefits.

Cash Service Center is a powerful business intelligence solution that provides a 360° view of all payment transactions, across any number of stores.

Lowers the cost of accepting cash

By connecting all cash handling devices and their relevant systems, Cash Box lowers the cost of accepting cash across the store. Whether they’re made in the back office, POS or self-service kiosk, all transactions are now seamless.

Increases efficiency and productivity

By automating end-of-day processing, generating daily reports and managing float issues for cashiers shift start, Cash Box makes daily cash balancing a quicker, and more efficient process. The reduction in processing activities also means that employees are more productive, more of the time.

Provides valuable analytics

The platform also collects valuable store data that can be used to measure key metrics such as Cash Analytics, Payment Reconciliation or Corporate Reporting.

Potential to increase visibility & accuracy

Cash Box can also be connected to the Cash Service Centre, providing visibility of a number of stores’ cash operations at an enterprise level. It can also connect customers ERP systems, enabling staff to finish tasks with more accuracy.

Marc Murdoch

Global Business Development

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